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The Wisdom of Compassion

The Wisdom of Compassion

The Wisdom of Compassion

The Wisdom of Compassion is one of those books (like Think and Grow Rich) that warrants re-visitation. With its collection of real life accounts, it can beautifully open you up to the idea that we all have much more in common that we may be willing to admit.

Why is The Wisdom of Compassion important to re-visit regularly?

I don’t think I have to point out how seemingly broken the world can seem and feel, especially here in the United States. Gripped by a cacophony of fear, anxiety, and extreme discord, we cope by closing ourselves off from all those things that cause these feelings in us. That’s normal. It’s a mechanism that “protects” us from all the uncertainties of life.

But doing so only creates more of the same.

This book with its first hand accounts works to break down those barriers and helps to remind us that we are all going through these challenges. Moreover, it is this commonality that can actually fortify us for such times.

And that’s why I chose this book as our next group study. Its message is one that we all need a reminder of and there’s no better time than right now.

Pick up your copy of The Wisdom of Compassion today and join the Path of Growth Community for a weekly chapter by chapter discussion that happens every Sunday at 8pm EST. (The ad is linked our affiliate account so you’d also be doing us a huge favor when you buy from here!)

*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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I've been called lots of things. And what labels I choose to settle on can vary day to day. So the real question is, what day is it?


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