October 8, 2021 - Path of the Jedi

Path of the Jedi Episode#1 – WHO AM I? Welcome to Path of the Jedi, the podcast and now BLOG where Star Wars meets Personal Development!  Thank…

New Star Wars Podcast

New Star Wars Podcast

Path of the Jedi Episode#1 – WHO AM I?

Welcome to Path of the Jedi, the podcast and now BLOG where Star Wars meets Personal Development!  Thank you, thank you, thank you for joining me on this incredible journey that I hope is as much a journey of discovery and learning for you as it is for me.

Star Wars is absolutely one of my most favorite things in life.  In fact, as with many people of my generation, I don’t know a life without Star Wars!  From some of my earliest memories as a child watching the original Star Wars Trilogy to my giddy excitement with all the latest releases on the Disney+ streaming service, my love for this venerated universe grows more and more with each passing day (and that’s not even mentioning the books, comics, AND Star Wars Celebration!).

Listen to the lastest PATH OF THE JEDI episode: