October 16, 2021 - Path of the Jedi

Path of the Jedi Episode #2: THERE IS NO TRY It is beyond matter of opinion that Master Yoda is the wisest of Jedi. If there’s one…

Yoda: The Wisest of Jedi

Yoda: The Wisest of Jedi

Path of the Jedi Episode #2: THERE IS NO TRY

It is beyond matter of opinion that Master Yoda is the wisest of Jedi. If there’s one quote from Star Wars that screams personal development it’s Yoda’s quote, “Do or do not.  There is no try.”  In fact, this is perhaps the most cherished and time-honored (and most quoted) piece of dialogue in all of Star Wars.

With these two short sentences, Yoda single-handedly cracks the Star Wars universe wide open, transforming it from mere popcorn science fiction to the rich literary experience that it truly is.  And when examined in the wider context of the entire scene with Luke Skywalker, we can garner deep insights into our own inner workings.

Listen to the lastest PATH OF THE JEDI episode: